Bandeja Paisa- Receta Colombiana

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What is Bandeja Paisa?

Bandeja Paisa is a renowned traditional dish from Colombia, specifically from the Andean region. This hearty and flavorful meal typically features a combination of beans, rice, arepa, chorizo, plantain, chicharrón, avocado, and beef.

The Origin of Bandeja Paisa

Considered one of the most iconic Colombian dishes, Bandeja Paisa originates from the Andean region, home to the “Paisas,” the people native to this area where I grew up. Traditionally, Bandeja Paisa consists of Colombian-style beans, white rice, chicharrón, powdered beef, chorizo, fried egg, ripe plantain, avocado, and arepa. However, you can swap the powdered beef for grilled beef or pork if preferred.

How to Make Bandeja Paisa

Begin by preparing the beans, hogao, and powdered beef a day in advance and store them in the refrigerator. On the day of serving, reheat the beans, powdered beef, and hogao, and cook the chicharrones. Prepare the white rice and plantains, and fry the eggs and chorizos.

Serving Bandeja Paisa

To serve, arrange the rice on a tray or platter and add the other ingredients as you see fit. Personally, I like to serve the beans in a separate bowl, but they can also be ladled next to the rice if desired. Serve the hogao in a separate dish so that everyone can add it to the beans according to their preference.

Recipe for Bandeja Paisa: Ingredients

  • 1 recipe Paisa Pinto Beans (Frijoles Paisas)
  • 1 recipe white Rice (Arroz Blanco)
  • 1 recipe Powdered Beef (Carne en Polvo)
  • 4 fried Pork Belly (Chicharrones)
  • 4 cooked Chorizos
  • 4 fried eggs (sunny side up)
  • 4 baked plantains (or Tajadas de Plátano)
  • 1 recipe Hogao
  • Lime and Avocado for serving

Instructions for Preparing Bandeja Paisa

  1. Prepare the beans, hogao, and powdered beef a day in advance and store them in the refrigerator.
  2. When ready to serve, reheat the beans, powdered beef, and hogao, and cook the chicharrones.
  3. Prepare the white rice and plantains.
  4. Fry the eggs and chorizos.
  5. To serve, place the rice on a tray or platter and arrange the other ingredients as desired. You can serve the beans in a separate bowl or alongside the rice. Bring the hogao to the table separately, allowing everyone to add it to their beans as they prefer.

Where to Find the Best Bandeja Paisa in Canada

You can find the well-known Canadian best Bandeja Paisa at Latino Food Market.

Shop & Eat - Latino Food Market